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The Best 10 Places to go camping in summer in UAE

The Best 10 Places to go camping in summer in UAE

The Best 10 Places to go camping in summer in UAE By Forever Tourism LLC Just because you’re in the middle of one of the world’s most luxurious locations in Dubai doesn’t mean that you can’t get back to nature! Camping used to be favored by the outdoorsy types, those who found adventure or freedom from urban surroundings by being out on their own and free from a constant source of electricity, but it has grown in popularity over recent years with many people taking up camping for fun or as a cheap alternative for holiday accommodation. Whether you go for overnight camping or hiking – have no worries about a lack of amenities when it comes to places to stay. Dubai has some hotel options that will make you think you’re right back home.

The Best 10 Places to go camping in summer in UAE By Forever Tourism LLC

Just because you’re in the middle of one of the world’s most luxurious locations in Dubai doesn’t mean that you can’t get back to nature! Camping used to be favored by the outdoorsy types, those who found adventure or freedom from urban surroundings by being out on their own and free from a constant source of electricity, but it has grown in popularity over recent years with many people taking up camping for fun or as a cheap alternative for holiday accommodation. Whether you go for overnight camping or hiking – have no worries about a lack of amenities when it comes to places to stay. Dubai has some hotel options that will make you think you’re right back home.

The weather is reaching the boiling point and being outside is the best way to escape the heat. Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, the sun, and the sand. It’s finally summer and that’s the perfect time to go camping. If you’re not sure where to go camping in Dubai then we’ve come up with a list of our favorite camping spots. It’s that time of year again when everyone is heading to the beach to get some sun and tan. If you’re looking for somewhere new to go camping in Dubai then maybe you should check out the campsites we’ve mentioned in this blog.

1. Liwa

Desert camping is pretty popular these days and one of the most popular desert camping spots in Dubai is Liwa. A visit to Liwa is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to get away from it all, leaving the bustle of the city behind. It’s an isolated area that gives you a real sense of what it’s like to be completely alone without any distractions whatsoever. The thing that makes it a stand-out place is you’ll never see another soul as there are no hotels or other people/camps in this massive empty quarter of a huge desert which leads to some real serenity. Normally a trip to Liwa would require an off-road vehicle and enough fuel plus room for water and food, a spare wheel (although we got ours fixed) plus normal camping equipment like sleeping bags, etc but we’ve just painted the landscape so enjoy!


2. Al Qudra Lake

There are many nature oases in the United Arab Emirates to explore, but one of the most amazing places you could go camping is at Al Qudra Lake. This spot features some of the most magnificent wildlife in all of Dubai, so everyone in your group will have a wonderful time and be wide-eyed with excitement to see some of these animals up close and in person! Children will love getting out their binoculars to observe everything going on around them while you’re out exploring this gorgeous area – they’ll feel as though they’ve stepped into a wilder kind of picture book with its sandy dunes, lush greenery, and abundant wildlife! While there are no facilities at this campground, so make sure that you bring along everything that you need (like food and water), it won’t take much effort or energy to get yourself ready for an awesome camping trip at Al Qudra Lake!


3. Fossil Rock, Sharjah

Another particularly good camping spot in the vicinity of Dubai is the Fossil Rock. Located in Sharjah, this place is lined with extensive dunes that not only make the landscape look great but also add that little bit of extra excitement to your camping experience. Fossil Rock is far from any nearby settlement which helps it be a serene spot just like one would expect from a camping spot! Additionally, you can go dune bashing at Fossil Rock and sample The Big Red or The Camel Rock dune buggy locations for fantastic dune buggy experiences for those who love touring by dune buggies. Remember that everything costs more out here – even if you’ve rented all of your tents and equipment so allow yourself plenty of money to purchase food throughout your entire stay at The Big Red and/or The Camel if they’re on the list of things you want to do while in the vicinity!


4. The Arabian Dreams Desert Camp

Arabian Dreams is a full-service desert camping location, located just outside of Dubai at the edge of the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve. They provide a comfortable place for your party to stay while allowing you to explore some thrilling options such as its 180-meter sand boarding slope and life-like dune buggies on site! Arabian Dreams is located very close to “The Beach” beach where visitors can enjoy the ocean waves if they choose to do so. (for anyone up for it.) This site has seven tents that are set in an oasis but feel secluded because you cannot see any buildings or camps nearby. You’ll be able to relax around the campfire and make new friends!


5. Acacia Forest

If you want to visit a campsite in Dubai that doesn’t involve a beach or the desert, then Acacia Forest might be perfect for you! It’s not too far from the city – but it is far enough away to feel like you’re deep into the wilderness. The forest itself offers a completely different alternative to beach and desert camping. You’ll be able to enjoy Jabel Al Harim mountain while you relax and get some rest at this lovely campsite. Be careful of this slippery road though as it can get windy and steep with loose stones lying around! In addition, there is a military firing range located nearby so make sure you avoid driving past its restricted boundaries.


6. The Umm Al Quwain Beach

There is a small emirate situated in the northwest corner of the UAE, just north of the border with Oman. It is called Umm Al Quwain (UAQ). UAQ is home to a large man-made lagoon and several stunning beaches that are perfect for camping, fishing or diving, and sunbathing! You should plan to go during the summer when it reaches around 40 degrees Celcius or more there. There are plenty of beautiful activities for recreational lovers such as desert safaris, fishing expeditions, amusement parks, and more!


7. White Sand Beach

See the golden sands of White Sand Beach stretching into the ocean, where snorkelers enjoy a different view through the comfortable life jackets they use to float. Many dive below as they see schools of fish above them on their way down. The water is everywhere! Far above them, people watch or play in the waves that lap at their ankles. If a water baby goes cannonballing down, others run after them and wade into the broiling surf without being nervous about sharks lurking because those fellows are so intelligent: unlike most animals, sharks have what’s called electroreception powers that allow them to detect electric stimuli along the skin which makes it easier for them to smell their prey even in murky waters. Going to White Sand Beach is like going on an electrically-charged safari vacation with beach amenities brought along for refreshment.


8. Al Dhafra Beach

Al Dhafra Beach is located on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi near the oil rigs. You will find some of the most peaceful and gorgeous beachfront here and it is easily one of the top beaches in Abu Dhabi. Because this is a camping site, it attracts a lot of eco-tourists who enjoy spotting sea turtles that frequently swim into these waters. The diving and snorkeling possibilities also make Al Dhafra Beach a premier destination for those who are looking to explore anything they can find while underwater.  If you’re not big on water-based activities, then take advantage of other things you could do like kayaking or fishing for instance! Camping sites, especially ones this beautiful, make for great family vacations!


9. Snoopy island

Family Beach Campgrounds are some of the best for families like yours to spend their vacation. One that’s perfect for this is Snoopy Island, known for its massive boulder placed in the middle of the sea that resembles a comic character everyone’s familiar with – Snoopy! At Snoopy Island, you can set up your tent and enjoy adventurous fun-filled camping adventures with your little ones. You might get to meet other families during your stay and make some new friends too! Who knows they may even share your love for Snoopy like yourself :). So go ahead and plan your spontaneous family beach campground outing to Snoopy Island today.


10. Shwaib

Even just a short drive outside of Dubai, Shwaib is a beautiful option for your next wild camping adventure. In our experience the best thing about Shwaib is stargazing from the top of one of its massive dunes – it’s so worth it! This amazing scenery sits in front of the backdrop of some striking mountain ranges, making for an impressive and memorable night under the stars atop one of these dramatic sand structures. What makes this Arabian desert campsite truly stand out however are its charming access points from central Dubai which make getting here hassle-free.

We hope you enjoyed our article about the best 10 places to go camping in summer in UAE. If you are looking to go camping in the UAE, we hope this list will help you find a great destination. We hope you have a great experience whilst camping this summer, and we would love to hear about your adventures. Please leave a comment if you have any other tips or recommendations!
